Awake, Inc.
Critical Points
Critical Points

This page will be our call to action and awareness.



This issue is so important we decided to update the article and continue to publish it.  Excellent for use in a group discussion.  Please read all Scriptures as you come to them.  

With the escalating divorce, addiction, and assault statistics, we must be willing to ask ourselves some hard questions.  You'll find solid answers to these questions in God's word.  HE has equipped our church leaders to shepherd the hurting family. They have divine weapons to cut through strongholds to take captive all thinking that opposes the truth of God's word and HIS ways, See 2 Corinthians 10:2-6.  They must be carefully trained to access this divine equipping.[See also, Leviticus 19:15; Deuteronomy 1:16; and 18:18; Proverbs 31:9; Isaiah 58:1-12; Ezekiel 18:8 and Malachi 2:7-9 and 4:5-6] Thus equipped, our church leaders can effectively address the various needs or problems in their flocks.  

Clearly, this calls for more guidance than setting a "date night." They must equip our families with issue specific wisdom. [Proverbs 2:12-16; 1Corinthians 14:20; Philippians 1:9-11; Hebrews 5:7-14] Wisdom begins with the knowledge of God, [Proverbs 2:5 and 9:10]. Therefore, our focus must be to reexamine our faith.  Instead of approaching this problem by asking about ongoing marital issues, ask the questions, "Where are the idols in our marriages? Who guides our thinking, or gives way to foolishness, Proverbs 25:26? What do we really believe about God?  Where was our faith, our witness and our trust in God when we were assaulted or allowed oppression or inflicted oppression upon our spouses?  These questions seem counter-intuitive to normal marriage counseling.

In fact, healthy marriage does not begin with the couple.  It begins with our courting our first love, GOD.  Our marriages then, need to flow from a functioning love for God that clearly takes precedence. [Revelations 2:2-5]  Our Faith must be much more than a socially acceptable conviction; one that produces real fruit, rather than just hearing about it on Sunday. [Galatians 5:19-22]. Bottom line, we have to match the relevance of God's word with raw, real life.  Without a relevant application of HIS word, we just have another religion on our hands.  If HIS word isn't relevant; HE won't be either!

Dear Reader, healthy marriages require HIS balance of justice and mercy.  Often, we misinterpret the word, "endure" and so end up "giving sin a drink and a pillow", see [Proverbs 25:26-again].  

Therefore, replace any "endurance theology" with one that boldly confronts sin, while lovingly directs righteousness, [Leviticus 19:17-18; Ps. 19:19; Galatians 6:1, 1 Pet. 3:8]. Love and respect are gender-neutral issues that must be taught and applied to every relationships.  [John 13:34, 1Corinthians. 13:1-13; Ephesians 5:21]. True love forebears, but it does not rejoice in wrongdoing.  It rejoices with truth, [1 Corinthians 13:6]. 

If, we want to achieve the goals we have set for our marriages and children, we must be willing to lay aside our foolishness and sin; relying on God's strength to do this.  In HIM, we can put on the full armor needed to fight against real enemies. [Ephesians 6:10-18]  

NOTE: In crisis, protect against all forms of Violence.  Once safety is firmly in place, Delightfully focus on your walk with God, before you focus on your walk with your spouse.  Use HIS perspective to light up dark paths and make tough, life changing decisions.  If you are in relational crisis, you've already seen what happen when trying to navigate marital challenges on your own, dear one.

Further, we must unite in our stance against all forms of oppression, injustice, and affliction with all the people saying, "Amen!"  [Deuteronomy 27:15-26]   This is a war and one that we are duty bound to fight.  Boldly engage this process, and prayerfully shun fears that keep you immobilized.   [2 Timothy 1:7] Do not freeze with indecision or a lack of awareness; rather take on the challenge to change, to grow, to deliver the victim from the hand of the oppressor, and to grant justice and mercy for all, [Jeremiah 22:3].

United we must say, E.N.O.U.G.H. which means,

 "End Needless Oppression! Unite God's House!"